Sunday, September 23, 2012

sexual harassment is WRONG

I feel that the street harassment is not even close to how severe as it is in other countries.  Maybe I'm just in a sheltered society, but I don't think sexual harassment is as bad in the US.  Other countries are always portrayed as much more violent in terms of sexual harassment but then I always wonder how the US is portrayed to other countries.  During the speech, she mentioned many situations, all of which were a man sexual harassing a woman.  Most instances of harassment were just verbal but there were cases of actual groping, public masterbation, and assault.  I don't believe there were any major differences, just the way in which people were harassed.  But nothing really surprised me, other then the amount of harassment that actually takes place here in America.  Most of these offenses also go un reported so it really makes sense as to why I believe I live in this "sheltered" society when really I could be misinformed with what is happening right around me!  This whole speech really got me thinking and actually looking for instances of harassment!

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